Well. It only took me five years.
Five long, salt-crusted, madness-inducing years of scribbling forbidden lore, revising blasphemous rites, and wondering if I, too, was slowly transforming into something… fishy. But at last, From the Deep is out in the world!
This tome of abyssal horror is my deepest dive (pun intended) into Lovecraft and his literary circle, adapting their writings for Shadow of the Demon Lord. It’s packed with eldritch horrors, doomed hybrids, cultist intrigue, and an unsettling amount of references to people growing gills. If you’ve ever wanted to play a character who slowly loses their humanity, fight (or worship) unspeakable horrors, or drown entire civilizations in the name of Father Dagon—well… good news!
What’s Inside?
- Deep One Hybrids – Ever wonder what it’s like to be “blessed” by the sea? Now you can.
- Blasphemous Paths – Serve the abyss as a Priest of the Deep, a Vindicator, or a Disciple of Cthulhu.
- Cursed Relics & Forbidden Magic – Because regular magic just isn’t dangerous enough.
- Monsters & Shadows – The Deep Ones are coming. Maybe Cthulhu too. Maybe worse.
- A Slow Descent Into Madness – Not for your character. For you. As you read this.
So, Was It Worth Five Years?
Probably? Maybe? I’ll leave that for you to decide. I will say that I poured my black, salt-rimed heart into this book, and I couldn’t have done it without the incredible support of my patrons, playtesters, and the people who kept asking me, “Hey, are you ever going to finish that book?”
And now, after all this time, the tide has risen. From the Deep is out. Go forth. Read. Play. Drown.
Oh, and if you like what I do, check out my Patreon! Patrons got an early look at this madness, and they also get access to playtesting, exclusive content, and the occasional rambling about whatever eldritch horror I’m obsessed with at the moment.
Want to share your thoughts, game stories, and terrifyingly bad decisions? Hit me up on Discord, Bluesky,, or X. I love hearing how these horrors unfold at your tables.